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Iskolar ng Bayan, Patuloy ang Laban

Official statement of the CEAT Student Council on the celebration of International Students’ Day 2022

Iskolar ng Bayan, Patuloy ang Laban

Iskolar ng Bayan, Patuloy ang Laban!

Official statement of the CEAT Student Council on the celebration of International Students’ Day 2022

Every 17th day of November, International Students’ Day is annually observed within student communities. This day commemorates the Nazi storming of the University of Prague where nine student leaders were executed, over a thousand were sent to concentration camps, and several Czech university and colleges were closed.

Crises amplify the social inequality and injustices that happen in society and we need not look further than what has happened in the past two years in this global health crisis. It shut down every institution, social group, the very concept of “normal”, and for students, a grasp on how learning must be done because of the shift to remote learning. The past two years have amplified the neoliberal nature of the education system forcing the students to comply with endless requirements and outputs, often without proper time to comprehend the lessons because to do so is time less spent on chasing the deadline.

As a catalyst for change, student movement plays a vital role in forwarding the calls of different sectors of our nation. Today, we consider this day as an opportunity to recognize the invaluable contribution of student power in the progress of our nation.

In commemoration of the International Students' Day this year, the College of Engineering and Agro-industrial Technology celebrates the victories and triumphs of the fights forwarded by the student body. We honor the students who continuously and collectively fights for our rights and those who offered their lives in taking the path to serve the nation. We condemn the various attempts of silencing our students through red tagging, the implementation of anti-student policies, and the rampant budget cuts in universities and colleges.

We also call on our fellow students to stand up and fight as we all strive for a nationalistic, scientific, mass-oriented, and quality education for all.


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