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CEAT Directory
As of First Semester A.Y. 2021-2022
This document was created and is continuously being updated by CEAT SC
How to Navigate the Document
1. The CEAT Directory serves as a reference sheet for professors and administrators under each CEAT department and institute.
2. Each CEAT department and institute has its own sheet, each containing the names of professors, positions, and their respective email addresses.
3. The Registration Assistance Sheet is specifically made for registration assistance which contains the names, positions, and contact details of each Registration Coordinator of each CEAT unit.
4. The Admin Sheet contains the names, administration positions, and the respective email addresses of the CEAT Admin.
5. Since BS Mechanical Engineering has just been offered this semester, the sheet for the Department of Mechanical Engineering is not yet created.
Note: Use your UP Mail to access the spreadsheet
Please read the following before exploring the spreadsheet:
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